kns贴片机 ix502 ix302
维护费用低,ix 的独特性能对每次放置都能进行严格控制,已到达业界最高的良品率,从而最低化成本。高品质的产品使我们的用户满足最终客户的需求。
ix 系统通过持续加强拾取和放置的整体工艺,并引入新的轻量级进料器,拾取率可达99.99%以上, 被动元件 (35 微米) 的放置精确度更高, camera-aligned 元件产能可提高25%。
通过软件优化工厂工艺程序,ix 302 和 ix 502 能很方便的加入到客户的工厂。模块化的设计概念在简化操作的同时在量产环境下加强整体控制。
ix 的独特性能对每次放置都能进行严格控制,已到达业界最高的良品率,从而最低化成本。高品质的产品使我们的用户满足最终客户的需求。
先进的 pcb collision检测
无撞击力 = 无元件开裂
放置工艺检验 (根据 blue-print value) , 每次放置都可以进行检验
pcb 表面 mapping 使其它放置头也能进行贴装,而不影响放置高度
conceptually smooth machine movement: low maintenance, reliable component handling and a continuous basis for accuracy, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - year after year.
fully software controlled pick and place cycle: controlled pick, optimum acceleration and deceleration process, monitoring and controlled placement: no damage to components.
all individucal placements follow 'blue-print' values, making sure only correct pcbs leave the line.
proven reliability of fewer than 1 defect per million placement performance.
capacity can be added or removed in order to increase or decrease output without altering the line footprint: true capacity on demand.